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AlsaCalcul GPU Programming Challenge

Combined HPC event and workshop in Strasbourg with focus on GPU programming
When Jun 14, 2016 02:00 PM to
Jun 16, 2016 06:00 PM
Where Strasbourg
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AlsaCalcul HPC Event, June 14th 2016: 14h00-18h30

An event dedicated to enterprises, organized in collaboration with Alsace Digitale, will take place on June 14th, 2016.

During half a day, that precedes a « GPU-Programming Challenge », you will have the opportunity to meet with major players in HPC. The speakers will share their views on topics of interest, such as the current and future HPC challenges and the latest developments in HPC tools.

Of course, the format is interactive with an introductory workshop by Nvidia on GPU-Programming. In addition, a networking session with a cocktail will take place at the end of the event.

Take advantage of this free event to ask questions, learn and become aware of supercomputing and its evolution.

AlsaCalcul Challenge, June 15th & 16th, 2016

Challenge = 2 days + 1 mentor + an HPC application + your team

The GPU offers a potential exceptional performance in a wide range of applications. Historically, the real challenge in using GPUs lay in developing programs and optimizing them on these accelerators. At present, well beyond the very widespread CUDA and OpenCL languages, there are programming methods using libraries or compilation directives allowing users to benefit quickly from the performance of a GPU in a code.


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