You are here: Home Events 2014 20141210 Allinea Workshop in Ulm

20141210 Allinea Workshop in Ulm

The University of Ulm invites to a workshop on Allinea.
When Dec 10, 2014
from 09:30 AM to 04:30 PM
Where University of Ulm, PC-Pool 10 (Uni West, 45.2.104)
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Dear Sir, dear Madame / Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
we would like to invite You to a Workshop on Parallel Debuggers using Allinea DDT and the Performance Tools Allinea MAP / Performance Report at the University of Ulm.
Allinea tools have been recently licensed for the HPC machines installed within the bwHPC ecosystem. This workshop will introduce basic, but also advanced features of the Allinea Tools, and specifically the DDT Debugger and will allow You to enhance Your programming productivity.
The Workshop will include hands-on session using the tools on the bwHPC machines -- so You are encouraged to bring Your code!
There will be time for questions and direct interaction.
The Workshop is open to all scientists from German research institutions and is free of charge.
We do however require registration on the website:
WHEN:  Wednesday, Dec. 10th,   9:30 until 16:30
WHERE: University of Ulm, PC-Pool 10 (Uni West, 45.2.104)



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